Saturday, September 12, 2015

Aspen to Denver

Its late and I really don't have the energy to write much.

Last night was a doozie.  None of us had the appetite or the energy for a big dinner out so we decided to have a wood fired pizza in the Limelight Lobby bar.  Picture a very sleek setting, an upscale seating area with high ceilings, lots of windows, a big fireplace, comfortable seating.  It was Friday night and the place was jammed with people who were there for drinks and a bite to eat, to listen to the singer and piano player and to let their fucking children have a running, screaming, chaotic play day in the midst of this otherwise beautiful setting.  After listening to these brats (I'd estimate there were 10 or so) for 30 minutes, we began complaining to the waitress, who either didn't care or didn't have the balls to call out the people (locals according to her) who birthed these little bastards.  We complained to the front desk and after nothing was done to quiet them, we left.  On our way to the elevator, we encountered the same kiddies and one of their handlers.  The kids were screaming at the tops of their lungs.  I screamed back at them telling them to shut up.  At this point Lucy and Ethel leaned into the adult and verbally tore her a new one.  Good job ladies.  Bee-otch.

Today was warm (low 70's), sunny and zero humidity and Lucy and I began with a delicious sidewalk breakfast (she had a frittata and I had a burrito with duck sausage) at a restaurant called Justice Snows and served by an Italian who was a professional ski racer and bicycle racer on the European circuits (he skied 139 days last year in Aspen).  We  followed this with a gondola ride to the top of the Aspen ski resort, then a trip to Mark Richards' furrier where Ethel was measured for some alterations to her mink, a stop by a gallery which was showing over 50 original Ansel Adams photographs (priced up to $285,000) and an alfresco lunch for KC and I.  Delicious fish tacos and world class people watching.

KC has an iPhone 6 .  If you wonder about the iPhone 6's camera then I'd say the cute girl in cowboy boots settles that, doesn't it?   Good shot KC, I think you captured the essence of Aspen.

By 3:00 Lucy and Ethel were shopped out. We loaded the F150, checked out of The Limelight Hotel and headed over Independence Pass (second time in 24 hours for me), through Leadville, CO and on to Denver.  Following a light dinner at Ruby Tuesday ( was close) we returned to our hotel (The Fairfield Inn) to repack and prep for L&E's return flight in the morning.  KC and I will drop them off by 6:00AM, then return to the hotel to extract the stuff we'll need for our motorcycle trip.

Here are some pics from the day....


  1. Group shots are spectacular! Love the picture of KC in the furrier's! Mink coat $5000. KC's expression "Priceless"!

  2. The blonde in the boots occupies my dreams, however the blonde in the mink in the furriers shop occupies my bed… you know which one is my favorite!!

