Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Riverton to Denver

Last night KC and I rode a mile down the street to eat and gas up.  KC was chillin' Wyomin' style.  Its what you'd call "Some of the gear, some of the time".  When we returned from the gas attendant, just gas by automated electronic payment and the most singularly disgusting restroom I've ever experienced...KC immediately realized that he'd left his gloves on the gas pump.

He said "I'll be right back" and shot out of the hotel driveway and down the road.   KC's tail lights quickly disappeared but sound travels a long ways in eastern Wyoming.  I could hear the water cooled boxer engine's exhaust all the way to the gas station.

We left Riverton, WY this morning at about 7:30AM under blue skies and cool temps.    The plan was to have a 250 mile day today, riding to Laramie, WY, and then a short day on Thursday, arriving in Denver late morning.  We'd load the bikes and drive til we were tired...probably mid Kansas.

However, by the time we hit Rawlins, WY it was clear that we'd be in Laramie by noon and it made no sense to stop for the day that early.  So, in the gas station parking lot with my iPhone's battery dying, we juggled hotel reservations and decided to high tail it for Denver, spend the night there and then get an early start driving KC's truck eastbound Thursday morning.

An unmistakable case of "get-home-itis".

We ran along two lane roads through high desert until Rawlins, WY where we hopped on I80 Eastbound.  I took very few pictures since the scenery was neither impressive or unique.  The weather was hot and windy.  The only solution was to keep moving and we were hammering.

Traffic was relatively light and we cruised at 80-85 all the way to Cheyenne where we got on I25 South to Denver.  By the time we got close to Denver, traffic had become fairly heavy, but was still moving at the speed limit.  We were now totally focused on closing the deal...the fun part of the ride was over and we were simply clearing the table.

We did manage to use the toll road E470 which makes a big loop around the Denver metro and passes very close by the Denver Airport.  Supposedly they take a picture of your license plate and then mail you a bill.  (Note: As of 10/24/15 I have yet to see a bill.)

After a rather trying process of locating our truck and trailer storage area in Denver (we were looking for its OLD address...oops!), we finally found it.  I will admit to feeling a bit of euphoria when we climbed off the bikes....sorry to see the motorcycle trip end but somewhat joyous over starting our final leg.  We loaded the bikes quickly and after a bit of a struggle, located our hotel.  Neither KC or I are particularly enthused about the Comfort Inn, but its only for a few hours and we'll be out the back door and headed east.

We got an education on Denver's taxi cab scene riding to dinner.  They are as disorganized and inept as one might fear.  After a nice outdoor Mexican dinner and some good (not great) fish tacos, we waited for at least an hour for a cab to find us.  Both of us were tired and in no mood for that kind of incompetence.

Next time try Uber, you old farts.


  1. awesome Journal ....Great camera work --- glad all went well and for the most part great weather-- safe travels back to GA

  2. For the record I got a bill for the toll road about 2 months later....for 40 damn dollars! I don't care; that road was better than downtown Denver.
